BOCHEMIT is not just a product; it also includes technical assistance and support.
We will gladly assist you in the following areas:
- Recommending a specific product to meet your specific needs and lending advice on its application.
- Suggesting impregnation methods.
- Lending advice on products dosages.
- Recommending a suitable process for repairing infested wood.
We also offer the following services to professional suppliers of impregnated timber:
- Analysing concentrates, working solutions and substance content in wood.
- Based on this analysis, every year we issue a certificate confirming that wood impregnation is being performed in full compliance with the prescribed technological procedures.
- Providing technological tools for calculating the correct concentration of working solutions.
- Verifying product compatibility.
- Helping you to understand the latest legislation on wood protection.
A customer service helpline is available should any unexpected circumstances arise, as our specialists will be ready to offer you help and advice.