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QB Profi
Bochemit BS 52
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We are active in the lifelong learning of designer engineers. 23.5.2018

We are active in the lifelong learning of designer engineers.

In cooperation with the Czech Chamber of Chartered Engineers and Technicians Engaged in Construction (ČKAIT), we have arranged a seminar on "Impregnation (chemical protection) of structural timber", which has been incorporated into the ČKAIT Lifelong Learning Program. The first two seminars were held in May in Ústí nad Labem and Hradec Králové.

Among other things, participants learned about: why they shouldn’t underestimate pest prevention (insects, fungus, mould), from the design stage onwards, in new builds and the reconstruction of timber and other structures; how European and Czech legislation has developed in the field of timber impregnation; the factors they should take into account when selecting impregnation agents; and the latest trends in the chemical preservation of timber. Our experts also gave talks on basic concepts in the areas of timber preservation, registration of chemical agents, certification, identification of type, the efficiency spectrum and the lifespan of protection.

Of particular value during discussions were the information shared on impregnation methods, criteria for choosing impregnation agents and our own practical advice and experience gathered across 50 years of engagement in the field.

We will also be arranging this seminar throughout 2018 in cooperation with the ČKAIT’s regional offices in Prague, Brno, Ostrava, České Budějovice, Karlovy Vary and Liberec.
