Opti F+
QB Profi
Bochemit BS 52
Bluestop M
Forte Profi
Plus I

Bochemit is collaborating with Thermo Sanace 4.1.2024

Bochemit is collaborating with Thermo Sanace

Bochemit is collaborating with Thermo Sanace

If you have a house, cottage or holiday home with wooden features or if you are responsible for the care of public or company properties, this article is for you. Wood preservation should be your priority – and we will help you make sure it is done properly. The solution is the partnership between Bochemit and Thermo Sanace s.r.o.

How does our partnership work?

  • Diagnostics
    Thermo Sanace carries out a thorough inspection and identification of the infested areas. Unless you understand the problem, you cannot find the right solution.
  • Choosing a method
    Depending on the nature of the building and other indications we choose between thermo treatment, coating and spraying or a combination of methods.
  • Impregnation with Bochemit
    Whether thermo treatment or treatment with Bochemit Plus I is used, this is followed by preventive impregnation with Bochemit products, particularly Bochemit Opti F+ or Bochemit QB Profi, which offer the very best in wood preservation.
  • Applications with expertise
    Thermo Sanace is a certified Bochemit applicator, which means that each application is carried out with maximum care and expertise.
  • Full service
    From tidying and cleaning the area around the structure, to marking and treating the problem areas - all this is part of the full service.
  • Final report
    The customer receives a detailed report on the work carried out, photo documentation and recommendations for further inspections and maintenance.

Together we can save your wood!
