Opti F+
QB Profi
Bochemit BS 52
Bluestop M
Forte Profi
Plus I

Gates protected by Bochemit Forte Profi – both inside and outside the Wallachian region

Gates protected by Bochemit Forte Profi – both inside and outside the Wallachian region

FREDOS s.r.o. was founded in 1995 in the town of Vsetín. Since its foundation,the company has been commissioned to build a host of wooden structures andsupply wooden products, originally within the Wallachia region, later extendingto the whole of Moravia, and in recent times across the whole of the CzechRepublic and Slovakia. As part of its standard offering, the company produces,sells and assembles wooden garden fixtures (palisades, fences, stakes),including custom-built wooden structures (detached houses, cottages, gazebos,sheds, terraces, etc.). 

Thecompany primarily processes wood for ground-contact use, making it more proneto biotic agents such as wood-decaying insects, mould and pests. As a result,wood is treated using Bochemit Forte Profi as part of a vacuum-pressureimpregnation process. “We use Bochemit Forte Profi in its brown edition, whichgives our products a distinctive brown tint. This impregnation product is usedacross our range because it is among the market leaders. It is effective in thelong-term preventive protection of timber against wood-decaying insects andfungi. We put great emphasis on preventive pest control, and our customersplace a high value on high-quality impregnation at an affordable price,” saysJaroslav Kocurek, the company’s Managing Director.

Entrancegates are just one of the company’s end products, with examples including theenormous gate to the Semetín Arboretum and the fenced gate to the fortifiedhouse in the village of Divice (Louny district). This stronghold, which datesback to the 14th century, is now in private hands. A further notable example isfound in the stylish Wallachian gates. 
