Opti F+
QB Profi
Bochemit BS 52
Bluestop M
Forte Profi
Plus I

Church of the Holy Spirit in Krnov

Church of the Holy Spirit in Krnov

The restoration of a protected landmark comprising a sanctuary that had been converted into a concert hall in the 1980s was completed last year. Treatment of wooden elements with Bochemit was carried out in the course of remediation and partial replacement of the roof trusses.

The roof trussing of the former Church of the Holy Spirit is of purlin, tie-beam construction with obliquely placed vertical columns in full rafter frames and a hanging truss. The rafters are supplemented with sprockets. The saddle roof features a frontal walled attic gable. Restoration of the roof included, in particular, the installation of new roofing material made of natural slate. The project also included installation of copper flashing, restoration of the stone cladding of the façade and work on other façade layers. Some parts were replaced during the repairing of the trussing and the surface was treated with colourless Bochemit QB Profi liquid fungicide.

The renovation of the roof and trussing was carried out by the company H&B delta.

Photographs provided by: City of Krnov (whole structure), H&B delta (roof trussing). The text was drafted in cooperation with the editorial board of the PROPAMÁTKY portal.
