Opti F+
QB Profi
Bochemit BS 52
Bluestop M
Forte Profi
Plus I

Pressure impregnation of children playgrounds with Bochemit Forte Profi

Pressure impregnation of children playgrounds with Bochemit Forte Profi

The professionals use Bochemit Forte Profi for the preservation of building structres, fences, gazebos, and other wooden elements in contact with the ground. Treated wood with this agent is also appreciated by smaller suppliers of children playgrounds, terraces, and garden furniture. The example is Dřevovýroba Václav Vaněk from Soběslav.

Dřevovýroba Václav Vaněk is a small company up to ten employees. Annually, they complete dozen contracts where it uses wooden elements with pressure preservation completed by means of professional company Impregnace Soběslav s.r.o. using agent Bochemit Forte Profi. The final products of the timber manufacturer are for example the children playgrounds – garden and larger playgrounds for the public, including slides, towers, and platforms, and horizontal bars, and other elements. Beautiful playgrounds produced in Soběslav are located in Višňová in Jindřichův Hradec region or at guest house Dvorce u Třeboně. The company produces terraces, garden furniture, pergolas, and also shelters for tourists, fences and small wooden constructions. The company recommends the pressure preservation particularly due to many years of experience when it could verify the service life of the product – well completed preservation and observing of the technological processed during assembly under extreme conditions.  

 Further information is available from Dřevovýroba Václav Vaněk s.r.o.
