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QB Profi
Bochemit BS 52
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Forte Profi
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The rescue of the trusses in State Castle Lednice na Moravě

The rescue of the trusses in State Castle Lednice na Moravě

In 2000, 2002 and 2003, the state Castle Lednice went through a significant reconstruction of the trusses and roofs. It was necessary to intervene in the trusses above the barque riding school, and in the area above the Family Hall, and other parts of the facility. New timber was treated by the supplier with reliable Bochemit QB Profi.

The truss construction above the Family Hall of Lednice castle is formed by purlin roof with two floors of collar beams. The truss was uncovered gradually and carpenter repairs were completed on affected elements with biotic wood pests. Complete timber was treated with chemical agents – the complete timber with agent Bochemit QB Profi. The largest damage was in the top plate, the lower part of the rafter, and sprockets. All affected constructions of trusses were removed and replaced with new timber from spruce wood of the original profile. This process was proven before, the repair of the ceilings and roofs was performed in the baroque riding school 2000. The wooden constructions of the riding school showed many epicentres of attack from wood pests, mostly dangerous ligniperdous fungi and ligniperdous insect - longhorned beetle and Callidium violaceum, woodworm, and snout beetle. If the part was affected within smaller scope, the parts were mechanically treated by cutting and solidifying, and the implementation of new timber. All new timber was treated with Bochemitem QB Profi, which proved to be the right choice in Lednice castle.

Further information is available from State Castle Lednice
