Opti F+
QB Profi
Bochemit BS 52
Bluestop M
Forte Profi
Plus I

The veranda of a bathhouse in Vraclav

The veranda of a bathhouse in Vraclav

Vraclav, not far from Vysoké Mýto, is a village with less than a thousand inhabitants, but with a surprisingly rich history. Amongst other things, there is the Baroque Church of St. Nicholas, near which is the source of a spring of healing water. Thanks to it, a spa began to flourish here in the early 18th century, attracting visitors from as far as Prague and Brno throughout that century.

Unfortunately, the fame of the spa and pilgrimage site began to decline at the end of the 18th century and almost disappeared in the second half of the 19th century. The first large reconstruction was carried out in 1976 – 1986. Further gradual reconstruction of the complex has been going on since 2011. Now, also including the veranda of the bathhouse.

Its wooden elements have been chemically treated with Bochemit by Thermo Sanace s.r.o. Ing. Pavel Šmíra Ph.D, MBA describes the procedure: “First, the area around the veranda was cleaned and swept, the leaves were swept away and then the dusty parts of the structure were cleaned. Then, both horizontal and vertical fissures and cracks were marked with coloured pins, including areas damaged by wood-boring insects. These areas and their surroundings were coated with Bochemit several times, both as destructive and preventive treatment, because this is where wood-boring insects most often lay their eggs. Parts of the handrails and areas under the panelling were also treated very thoroughly. Subsequently, Bochemit Plus I was sprayed to ensure that the wood-boring insects were destroyed, after which Bochemit Opti F+ was sprayed to ensure preventive protection.”

Photos taken by: Thermo Sanace s.r.o.
