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We Support Heritage Protection in the Czech Republic 28.1.2019

We Support Heritage Protection in the Czech Republic

Wood has been a basic building block since time immemorial. When used in ideal conditions, it can last for tens, hundreds and in some cases thousands of years.

When we gaze upon the historic buildings and other valuable works that abound in the Czech Republic, we cannot but admire the craft of our forebearers. And it isn’t just the country’s castles and fortresses, but also its cathedrals, monasteries, churches, chapels, palaces, town houses, rural folk architecture, industrial buildings, theatres, museums, Marian columns, wayside crosses, column shrines, and so on. In fact, the Czech Heritage Institute estimates there to be around 40,000 protected cultural heritage monuments in the Czech Republic. With Bochemit, we are concentrating our efforts to ensure effective anti-pest protection of new wood and the rehabilitation of infested structures, including heritage buildings.

And because we care about the fate of our historic monuments, it is with great pleasure that we are this year continuing to support the projects of the Institute for Heritage and Culture. This non-profit organisation is responsible for editing the PROPAMÁTKY project (“Pro-Heritage” in English), as well as publishing a magazine of the same name, and for operating a specialist information website, arranging conferences, running the MÁME VYBRÁNO (“We Have Chosen”) cultural heritage funding project, offering advice on funding heritage restoration projects and promoting places of interest through its traveling exhibition. We hold the Institute in high regard, as a social enterprise that employs people whose health poses an obstacle to their integration into the labour market. The Institute respects their varying needs and ensures they are dealt with on a highly personal level.

We wish the Institute and its editorial team every success in their meritable work and in maintaining a contented readership, many conference attendees and generous donors.
